Be the best and brightest version of yourself!



Because of the differences, there is no one-size-fits-all recipe for getting the most out of yourself, and therefore, your life. I will help you along unique and personalised themes, relying entirely on my experience and the most modern research.

I profess to be authentic: what I have been through, I can guide you through. What you see in me today, what you read from me today, is the result of the process of development I am telling you about.

What is this programme? If you read on, all will become clear…


The mentoring programme starts with life coaching, where we explore and analyse different areas of your life. This kind of introspection is important for the rest of the process, as it will help you to know where to start.
After that, we plan the strategy step by step. This will include precise metrics and objectives, daily, weekly and monthly tasks. These milestones are the basic conditions for your success.
Some people prefer slower, experiential learning with broader boundaries. For others, tighter controls will work: the strategy is entirely up to the individual, I tailor it to You.

Mentoring will help you to see yourself more clearly and to be able to live the life you have always wanted.


You have to sift through a lot of information to find what’s right for You. There are no milestones or personalised tasks. There is no concrete monitoring or feedback on how you are doing. You are always, always on your own, without professional help.

Personal mentor programme is for you if...

Presence, live, direct and real contact is important to you. You have a very unique situation that needs 100% attention. You want to participate in a fully personalised programme. You need constant motivation and attention to keep you going. You like super-efficient processes.
Katalin Gyárfási
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“During the 5-hour training session I got such results which I wouldn’t have thought even in my most optimistic dreams. I discovered the direction that I need in order to progress. You could always swing me forward with your questions, so I could be able to also climb the next step. It was fantastic to use all those practices I learned from You in everyday life. Thank you very much!”’
Szilvia Bíró-Szigeti
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“I have often wondered if you had not lived through (and overcome) all those difficult events, we would not have benefited from all that strength, experience and advice. In doing so, you have enriched our lives as you have gone through things that no one else would even wish on another.”
Zsuzsanna Kovács
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“She helped me get up from the bottom, she helped me get my confidence back, she helped me change my lifestyle during which I lost 12 kg. Today I am a strong woman with goals, I know who I am and what I want, and I also know that I will achieve it all and if I get stuck, I can always turn to my guiding star for guidance with confidence.”

These are the areas where I can help through personal mentoring

As I wrote above: I provide one-to-one mentoring and advice on issues that I have been through myself. I would like to be your trusted mentor if you have decided to make the most of yourself! Of course, you don’t have to decide in advance which topic you want to work on during the mentoring programme, we’ll discuss where to start from at the first meeting.

Time management and productivity

If you only master one thing at a high level, this should be it! If you are not master of your time, you are not master of your life. The purpose of life is not to be constantly rushing, but to find the balance between work and rest so that you have time for everything you want to do.
  • We’ll take a look at your life, where your time is flowing, what your schedule is like.
  • We’ll see if you can draw your own boundaries and set your limits.
  • We will transform your thinking about time, your attitude to time.
  • I’ll let you in on the secrets of productivity.
  • I will give you assignments and check how you are progressing on your journey.

Discover your potential*

* to find out more about this programme, click here.

As an INNERMETRIX consultant, I will help you get to know yourself better by completing one of the world’s most complex self-awareness profiles, where we will also examine your behaviour, motivation and strengths and talents. This will give you a crystal-clear picture of where you should go next, what you can build on and what you shouldn’t.
  • After completing the online profile, which is available in several languages, you will receive a nearly 70-page analysis of yourself.
  • During the individual online consultation, I will help you interpret your profile and highlight the context.
  • Afterwards we will review your life, where you are now and where you should go next.
  • I support you in the coaching process to help you achieve your goals.
  • This will help you to live a more successful and happier life, leaving you with more energy for the things you want to do.

Developing and reinforcing supportive habits

If you want to change, you can’t live a different life with the same habits. However, old, entrenched, unsupportive habits are incredibly difficult to break. We start by reviewing your existing habits and then slowly build new ones, replacing the old ones. New choices, new routines = NEW LIFE.
  • If you can’t get rid of old, bad habits.
  • If you’ve tried many times but always fell back, you weren’t persistent enough, so the expected results didn’t happen.
  • If you have no idea how to get started.
  • If you’re planning to rebuild your life from scratch.

The basics of holistic health awareness

You are not just a body, you are much more than that. It’s time to review yourself in all its complexity, what belief systems, thinking, choices and habits result in your current state. Then, by connecting your body, your feelings and your mindset, I will help you develop a personalized and long-term lifestyle that will make you feel whole.  
  • If you feel like you’re trying, you’ve tried a lot of things, but somehow your attempts have failed.
  • If you don’t really love yourself./li>
  • If you’re open to spirituality and want to do your best.
  • If you are building on a rock-solid foundation and are willing to put time and energy into it.

Stress management and sleep optimisation

Few people know that the very first domino of successful lifestyle change is managing stress and getting the right amount and quality of sleep. Without a solid foundation, the system collapses like a house of cards. It helps to identify the sources of stress in your life and manage them, We review your sleep and then develop the most appropriate, supportive routines together.
  • If your life is stressful and you find yourself frequently reaching for food, indulging in bad habits.
  • If you don’t sleep well, you often wake up tired, you’re lethargic and low on energy.
  • If you have no idea what exercises you can do to manage stress in your daily life.
  • If you’re anxious, maybe you live your life in a constant rush.

Absolutely Woman Diet

A beautiful and healthy body is the result of 70% nutrition and 30% exercise. I can help you achieve long-term success and feel good in your body with a diet tailored to You! I will develop a lifestyle for you that is completely personalized, takes your lifestyle into account, and is sustainable and effective over the long term.
  • Instead of fad diets and drastic diets, a personalised lifestyle programme.
  • A lifelong solution without self-indulgence.
  • Eating advice that will beautify your body, your face, and make you fit and energetic.
  • The basics to mastering balanced eating so you can make good choices day after day.
  • Recipes, quantification and nutritional supplements for a glowing YOU.


Feminine biohacking

Hack your life and your health! Get the most and best out of yourself with this method. If you’re an experimental and curious person and you like tests, personalized methods, facts and research, you’ll love this! We’ll assess your baseline in terms of nutrition, movement, sleep, breathing and stress management, set up your development plan and the strategy to go with it. If long-term youthfulness is important to you, it’s time to delve into feminine biohacking.
  • A method based on measurements and research, in which you are both the experimenter and the subject.
  • We’ll help you find the diet and supplements that work best for you.
  • We help you find the right form of exercise for you./li>
  • We’ll help you get the most out of your sleep and of your ability to cope with stress.
  • We’ll help you find your way around a wealth of tests, tools and measurements.


I am neither a therapist nor a doctor. If I feel the need to involve experts, I will do so, offering You professional help on the subject.

I do not take on everyone. The “INTRO CALL”, i.e. the introductory call, will show whether we are likeable to each other, whether we find common ground.

For me it is very important, and also essential for success, that you want it and really do your best for the result. Without you I can’t do it!

Alexandra Patkós
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“That the female world needs Alma is beyond question! I am so sure of this because I, myself, have been working with women and offering my knowledge to women for 22 years. Alma's complex perspective, experience and knowledge of women's psyche, existence and well-being is unique.

I am grateful for the opportunity to know and learn from her. In business and personal matters, consulting with her is an unparalleled compass. Her easy-going style and directness really speed up the resolution process and problems can be formulated more quickly.

I really like her diversity, her thoroughness, and her humour. Her life experience, relationship life system and business sense are exemplary, her mission for women is to me a true social contribution. I wholeheartedly recommend Alma's teachings and thoughts to anyone who feels a little stuck or uncertain about women's roles, today's conflicting value systems and at any age would like to see themselves and their self-image realistically. To get closer to the ideal of the woman she wants to become.”
Timi Vas
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“We met Alma 25 times in the last year. I can say without exaggeration that it has been a life-changing experience. I started from a very low place, both mentally and physically, but in just under a year I have become a completely new person. I have never felt so feminine in my life.

In addition, with Alma's help, I was able to solve health problems that even the head doctor shrugged off during my 2.5-year check-ups and let me suffer. I have also become much, much more health conscious: I know how to eat, what to exercise, how to overcome my own limitations and doubts.

I am grateful to you, Alma, for bringing out the best in me with your help and guidance.”



Mentoring programme

How much does it cost?

Individual mentoring programme


4 times
4×1 hour online consultation

If you would like to register as a company, please let us know at

In this case the mentoring programme costs 160.000Ft + VAT


Mentoring programme

How much does it cost?

Individual profile with analysis


Total 1 session

90 minutes consultation

If you would like to register as a company, please let us know at

In this case the mentoring programme costs 160.000Ft + VAT


If you cancel your mentoring appointment within 24 hours, your appointment is unfortunately lost.

You have 12 weeks to use if you purchase 4 eligible passes. If you need more time, please schedule it in advance.

Once you have purchased a membership, you must start the mentoring programme within 2 weeks at the most.

Appointments can be arranged in advance by e-mail. Consultations will take place on ZOOM.


Before we start working together, you have the opportunity to take advantage of a 15-minute FREE INTRO CALL, where we can get to know each other and talk a bit about the main difficulties you are facing, the tasks you need to solve, to get a clearer idea of whether I can help You.

I believe that a joint cooperation is also based on likeability, so you don’t have to take any risks and jump into buying a package before you are sure that I am the right person to help and support You.

You can request a 15-minute FREE INTRO CALL by clicking the button below and I will contact you by email within 4 working days to arrange an appointment.


It's time to level up in your life!

It’s time to make the most of yourself – as a Woman, Mother, Entrepreneur, Wife, in harmony with yourself, with confidence and health.


If you have any questions about the application process, mentoring programme service, please contact us on our customer service contact details and we will try to answer you as soon as possible.


100% secure application and payment
We will never give out your details to anyone without your consent! Our site’s SSL certificate is your guarantee that your data is safe with us.
And if you choose to pay by credit card, the transaction is processed through our online payment partner (Barion). This is a completely secure way to shop online and we of course do not have your credit card information. Click here to learn more about Barion!