I am passionate about researching how the human body, mind and soul work. As a holistic health coach, I teach you a complex approach to becoming the best and most effective version of yourself.

I believe you deserve a quality, happy and conscious life. What if we could bring out the best in you, creating a lifestyle that fits your lifestyle perfectly?

Get to know me better!

Alma Pirner

Alma Pirner


Nearly 20 years of experience and study have given me the knowledge and experience that have laid the foundation for what I know today. At the beginning of my journey, my background as a performer allowed me to travel the world performing, and on stage I always had to be in TOP shape. This was often harder than anything else, based on severe self-abuse and self-hate, not to mention constant comparisons with others.  My young years were spent counting calories, trying various extreme fad diets and a lot of denial. I often sacrificed my health on the altar of my beauty.

In 2015, the birth of my son brought the change, when I retired from the world of the stage and reevaluated my own body and developed a deep relationship with it, based on love and respect. I realized that nothing is more important than HEALTH, because it is the foundation of everything. I had to re-evaluate my previous choices and attitudes and develop a long term sustainable enjoyable method with no room for self-hatred, evisceration, comparison and template methods.

Subsequently, I have come a very long way myself, delving into the deep recesses of self-awareness, practicing daily self-reflection, experimenting and educating myself , which has helped me to show that I am not just a BODY, I am much more than that.

I felt that if I could do it, others could do it, too, to overcome a feeling that has often been a bitter pillar of their lives, that they are not good enough, not beautiful enough, not in control of their bodies.

That’s how I became my own best friend.

It took me many years to rebuild myself internally, letting go of perfectionism, conformity, other people’s expectations, and the past. It was then that I first felt what it was like to be free in spirit, when I could step out of the boundaries, the barriers that I had actually drawn around myself.

I dared to finally be myself, to become the person I had always seen as a role model, and then I realised that my role model was actually my future self.


21 years of serving women

Over the past 21 years, I have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience to understand women’s challenges and difficulties, to help and support them to find their own way, so that they can live more harmonious, healthy and productive lives for the benefit of their environment.

In 2015, after the birth of my son, I started doing online counselling and coaching, and a few years later, I completed an International Holistic Health Coach Diploma at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) in New York and became a member of the International Association of Health Coaches (IAHC). In 2023, I was introduced to the INNERMETRIX profile and also became an official consultant, which I incorporate regularly into my coaching practice, helping people to get to know themselves better and build on their strengths.

I have mentored over 1,000 women in groups through the Absolutely Woman Club and online community, and over 100 individual clients. I regularly speak at events on holistic living, health, balance among women’s roles and productivity.

Pirner Alma

I am sure that deep down in the bottom of your heart, you too long to live free and safe in body and soul, without judgement and condemnation. In the meantime, you want to be successful, balanced and content in your work and personal life.

Most of the time, we want to live up to expectations and live to be loved, but we can’t really love ourselves. Despite the huge number of possibilities that the world today offers us, it is still often difficult to choose and decide.

We have to navigate through many opinions and truths to find our way, but I have great news: You are not alone! I am here for you, and I will support you in everything.

What I believe in


You must treat it with the utmost respect and love, because you can only have expectations of it if You do your best for it and don’t cripple it day after day. Don’t just use it, look after it as best you can.

This is the holistic approach and knowledge I want to give you, with lots of practical tips that you can put into your life tomorrow, to keep you healthy, energetic and fit, both physically and mentally, for the long term. Unfortunately, we are not taught this and in western culture it is more challenging to live this way, but not impossible.

Why not make the most of ourselves and our lives while learning to enjoy the journey with a childlike curiosity? Your life and your health are a gift, so cherish it.



But to do this, you need to have the right self-awareness, be aware of your strengths and be able to capitalise on your potential. This will help you to live a more easy and productive life, to be more successful at work and in your personal life, and to increase your self-confidence.


People ask.

For me, it’s the success stories that give me energy. The WOMEN who made it, and I had a small part in it. Build your own world of which You are the Queen. Not a queen, not a princess, not a princess. But a real QUEEN, a REAL ABSOLUTELY WOMAN.

Good luck on your journey, enjoy every minute of it!

Alma Pirner


People ask.

For me, it’s the success stories that give me energy. The WOMEN who made it, and I had a small part in it. Build your own world of which You are the Queen. Not a queen, not a princess, not a princess. But a real QUEEN, a REAL ABSOLUTELY WOMAN.

Good luck on your journey, enjoy every minute of it!

Alma Pirner

They said about me

Orsolya Kovács
Orsolya Kovács
international style consultant – YURKOV
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“Alma teaches with her every movement and every thought. Femininity, finesse, sophistication, balance. It is inspiring to work with her, she stimulates harmony. While we at Yurkov Style Salon work from the outside in, on the appearance side, teaching women how to truly show themselves and their femininity, Alma works from the inside out, uplifting women with her subtle, small guidelines. Working with Alma is soul inspiring and motivating.”
Dr. Krisztina Hevesi
Dr. Krisztina Hevesi
sexual psychologist
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“I also like Alma's classes - whether she's teaching pole dancing, stretching or other types of training - because she can give personalised attention to everyone at the same time as being part of a session. She knows the essence of sport and the beauty of body development, so you can make incredible rapid progress and experience success with her. Anyone can feel skilful in a short period of time - while experiencing femininity in a fun, easy atmosphere.”
Nóra Szily
Nóra Szily
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"Alma is a brilliant and glowing phenomenon who I love interviewing as much as working with. She is reliable, accurate, thorough and inspiring - in other words, captivating!"
Brigitta Békési
Brigitta Békési
Founder of Beautyrobic and author of the book WOW EFFECT
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“I got in touch with Alma through Beautyrobic, which has been going on ever since. I love her perfectionism and the fact that when she sets her mind to something, she accomplishes it step by step, no matter how big the plan. I love her systematic thinking and the fact that whenever we meet, we inspire each other and she is truly a woman from whom you can learn a lot and who not only talks the talk, but also authentically delivers what she teaches by example.”

Life, the way I like it!

Absolutely Woman® milestones

The birth of Absolutely Woman, online trainings, eBooks, courses, building our online community.

January 2016

Creating the "more than" BIKINI BODY CHALLENGE lifestyle change programme

March 2018

The creation of the Absolutely Woman Club, where participants receive ongoing support month by month through a subscription system.

October 2019

The Absolutely Woman Club's 1st anniversary, where we finally got to meet the participants in person after the online space, during a huge party.

October 2020

Launch of Absolutely Woman dietary supplements, 100% pure active ingredients.

April 2021
Launch of my book Absolutely Woman - Femininity at master level - Be the best version of yourself.October 2021

The first Absolutely Woman CLUB camp, with club members from four countries

October 2021

B2W 2022 - Social Involvement Award of the Year

October 2022

Launch of my book "Absolutely Woman Diet - Health and Beauty for a Lifetime".

December 2022


May 2023


November 2023